Dicky's Journey

Once upon a time, there was a kid named Dicky. Dicky loved to play with his cock. He had a name for his cock. His name was 'Little Jimmy'. His cock is the pride of his farm (you thought it was his dick, you perv.) Then one day, something bad happened to Dicky.
The mecha users of trollpasta land appeared at his farm the names of these mecha users where. mecha disease, mechaplankofdeath, MECHAGUY123, mecha dronian, mecha LOLSKELETONS, mecha furbearingbrick and mechafan1.
They started destroying shit that they weren't supposed to. Then, out of nowhere, Captain America took a shit on the farm. Which, it wouldn't do no good (because the farm had manure on it).
The mecha users where not happy about this so they took captain america and shoved him up little jimmys asshole.
Jimmy shat out Captain America, and crowed. He crowed like he had never crowed before. Then, he got lung cancer and died. Dicky was furious about this, so he protested by sitting down. That seemed to work, because the Mechas didn't know where to go. Dicky was blocking the only exit in the farm.
But just as he was going too do a big massive shit mechaplankofdeath said '' plank is not ''
''blank '' which was of completely no use at all.
They started panicking, and flailing their arms around. But that seemed not to work at all.
Dicky was going too do a big shit ,that is.
Dicky was very butthurt by the mechas flailing so he went too get some butthurt medicine.
Then the Mechas fleed
But Jimmy's score wasn't set yet.
So, with his barn animals in the back of his pickup truck, they went to the Salty Spittoon to russle up some jimmies with the bar people.
Which, seemed to get a lot of people pissed.
The pissed people summoned the shadow users which where the polar opposites of the mecha users which appeared before.
Then they got Dicky in a corner
and you know what happens next...
They started doing the Hokey Pokey.
They seemed to forgot about the Mechas, till the Mechas joined the Hokey Pokey fest.
They hokey pokeyed long in too the night when the dawn broke there was lots of shite.
Then, Dicky remembered the Mechas
and he said this
"wnna fite irl dum shite?"
Then with one step, the Mechas crushed Dicky.
And played basketball with his corpse.
The pissed people then got even more pissed and attempted too fight the mechas
But, they were so small, that they fiddily dee their bod-eees.
So then just as the mechas fiddily deed their bod-eees the shadow users appeared
and t
here was a massive battle
all the users, except CRYSKELETONS fought. As CRYSKELETONS just sat in a corner and cried
Then a demon, out of nowhere, came out and killed CRYSKELETONS
because he was acting like a baby.
all the other shadow users were like this when it happened
Then, out of nowhere, Mecha Godzilla (the godzilla character) came and destroyed the Mechas
The shadow users where in fact quite happy about this and had a party and had a cock fight
Where Little Jimmy was resurrected, and he defeated the other cocks

Thee end

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